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I wanted to create more colourful blog

maybe i just bored with a cool theme, so i trying to make it more colourful by adding Anime theme on this blog :)

A Colourful Blog

well, another reason i choose Anime theme is beacause i love Anime :o

It is My Decission

maybe some of you dislike my idea of this theme, but i still hold on my will :v

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Saturday, February 23, 2013

KROKODIL Drug narkoba jenis baru

KROKODIL Drug Narkoba Jenis Baru
Krokodil Drug Narkoba Jenis Baru – Mendengar dari namanya pasti anda menerka arti kata krokodil adalah buaya, ya memang betul krokodil berasal dari bahasa inggris yaitu crocodile yang artinya buaya. Pasti anda juga bertanya – tanya apa itu ” krokodil drug ” berikut ini adalah penjelasannya.
Krokodil Drug adalah salah satu varian terbaru dari narkoba, seperti halnya dengan narkoba lainnya yang telah ada selama ini krokodil drug juga memiliki efek yang sama dengan narkoba jenis lainnya. Efek tersebut diantaranya adalah Halusinogen, depresan, Stimulan, dan adiktif sekaligus, jadi jika anda mengkonsumsi narkoba jenis ini maka tidak akan beda rasanya dengan mengkonsumsi narkoba lainnya seperti ganja, putaw, heroin, sabu dan inex dalam waktu yang bersamaan. Bisa dibayangkan bagaimana tuh rasanya ?
Bahan dasar dari krokodil drug ini sangat sederhana sekali yaitu Iodine, Codein, Asam Klorida, Fosfor Merah dan Bensin. Dari bahan tersebut saya hanya mengenal 2 saja yaitu fosfor merah dan bensin dan yang jelas 2 bahan tersebut jika dikonsumsi manusia tentu akan sangat berbahaya sekali apalagi ditambah dengan bahan lainnya. Mungkin karena terbuat dari bahan – bahan yang memang sangat berbahaya itu maka dinamakan krokodil drug.
Lalu kenapa dinamakan krokodil drug ? dinamakan krokodil karena memang efek dari narkoba jenis ini memang sama dengan buaya yaitu membuat si pemakai bakal mirip dengan binatang reptil tersebut artinya kulit si pemakai akan memiliki sisik  dan kontur kulit persis sama seperti buaya, hal itu bisa terjadi karena efek dari bahan dasar pembuatannya yang mengakibatkan matinya sel – sel jaringan kulit si pemakai.
Siapa penemu Krokodil Drug ?
Seperti penemuan ilmiah saja nih kok pakai penemu segala, ya tapi memang begitulah ceritanya. Krokodil Drug atau orang bule menyebutnya sebagai Crocodile Drugpertama kali ditemukan di Rusia. Negara Russia merupakan negara pengguna narkoba terbanyak di dunia. Namun pemerintah Russia berhasil menekan pertumbuhan dan pengedaran narkoba. Kini barkoba, jenis Heroin sangat sulit ditemui, kalau ada pun, harganya sangat mahal. Nah, untuk itu timbullah ide kreatif dari para Junkers/ pecandu narkoba untuk meracik obat berbahaya tersebut. Soal kreatif para pecandu narkoba di Indonesia tidak kalah kreatif lho, liat aja sudah berapa orang keracunan minuman keras akibat hasil racikan sendiri yang asal – asalan.
Krokodil diambil dari nama jalanan di desomorfin. Krokodil merupakan zat adiktif pengganti heroin yang sangat terkenal di Rusia. Efeknya yang 8-10 kali lebih kuat dari morfin (zat sama yang digunakan dalam heroin). Namun, harganya jauh lebih murah dibandingkan heroin karena bahan-bahannya mudah didapat.
Krokodil adalah narkoba yang terbuat dari campuran senyawa, yang digunakan dalam proses pembuatan desomorphine. Narkoba itu tidak disaring, sering mengandung konsentrasi tinggi yodium, yang dapat mengganggu sistem endokrin.
Narkoba jenis ini menyebabkan gangguan otot, fosfor, yang menyerang jaringan tulang, dan admixtures berbahaya logam berat seperti seperti besi, seng, timah dan antimony. Hasilnya, sistem saraf, ketidakseimbangan mineral, dan radang hati dan ginjal terganggu.
Berikut ini adalah efek dari penggunaan krokodil drug yang berlebihan, maaf jika gambarnya agak vulgar tetapi ini sudah yang paling mendingan lho gambarnya karena ada pengguna krokodil drug yang memiliki efek yang lebih parah dari gambar berikut :

secara perlahan daging akan jatuh karena bakteri

daging akan mulai lepas dengan sendirinya, pasti rasanya akan sesuatu banget dech
Obat ini selanjutnya dibuat secara rumahan, karena mudahnya memperoleh bahan-bahan pembuatan krokodil. Selain bahannya mudah, harga yang ditawarkan krokodil juga cukup murah daripada heroin. Cukup merogoh kocek sekitar 2 poundsterling per bungkus atau sekitar 30 ribu rupah untuk mendapat krokodil.
Seperti disadur dari The Independent, ” jika Anda menyuntikan obat ini, kulit akan berubah menjadi kehijauan dan bersisik seperti buaya. Ini terjadi karena pecahnya pembuluh darah dan kematian jaringan di sekitarnya”.

Jika sudah begitu, cara satu-satunya untuk mengatasi ini adalah amputasi. Jika pecandu narkoba ini sudah sangat kecanduan, maka daging beserta kulit pengguna akan jatuh seperti meleleh dari tubuh. Tak hanya itu, narkoba ini juga menyebabkanpneumonia, keracunan darah, kerusakan arteri bahkan meningitis.
Narkoba Krokodil ini kenikmatannya hanya 1- 2 jam. Selebihnya para pecandu akan kembali meracik obat ini kembali, meracik narkoba krokodil membutuhkan waktu sekitar 1 – 1,5 jam, jadi para pecandu akan menghabiskan waktunya untuk meracik dan menikmati obat jahanam ini.
Sama seperti narkoba jenis lainnya yang menimbulkan efek mengurangnya kesadaran serta tingkat halusinasi yang tinggi, krokodil drug ini pun menimbulkan efek tersebut bahkan tingkatannya lebih tinggi dari narkoba lainnya. Masih ingatkan dengan Afrianiyang menabrak hingga menewaskan 9 nyawa atau dengan Novi Amalia ya mereka hilang kesadaran dan berhalusinasi setelah mengkonsumsi narkoba.
Sangat mengerikan sekali bukan ? Saya berharap narkoba jenis ini jangan sampai masuk ke Indonesia. Untuk itu diperlukan peran serta Pemerintah serta Kepolisian dan Masyarakat untuk bersama – sama memberantas narkoba. Pemerintah harus lebih ketat lagi mengawasi penjualan zat kimia yang mungkin saja bisa disalah gunakan, Kepolisian harus semakin giat memotong para gembong narkoba dan memutus peredaran narkoba di Indonesia sedangkan masyarakat harus aktif mengawasi serta ikut mensosialisasikan tentang bahaya narkoba.
Pesan saya untuk para anak – anak gaul di Indonesia atau untuk para ABG Labil di Indonesia jangan sok ganteng atau sok keren mau coba narkoba jenis krokodil drug ini karena tidak akan keren sama sekali kalau mau coba-coba narkoba apalagi jenis ini. Kalian akan mati secara perlahan dan menyakitkan, bahkan jadi mayat hidup yang tidak berguna kalau pakai narkoba jenis apapun. Lebih baik isi masa muda kita dengan prestasi yang membanggakan semua orang.
by Admin
Hendra Todo

Windows Graphics Media Acceleratior Driver - Final Retail

Sudah sekian lama gw mencari software untuk meningkatkan akselerasi
DirectX dan Direct3D dan DirectDraw dan DirectSound dan Direct yang lainnya

Serta open GL 2.0
nih websitenya adalah http://intel.com

untuk lebih jelasnya dan langsung download klik link dibawah ini

Perhatian : !
Sebelum Mulai Mendownload mohon anda melakukan voting di pojok kanan atas terlebih dahulu

Intel(R) Graphic Media Accelerator Driver-Download

diatas itu adalah Final retail nya
jadi buat agan yang menghadapi masalah DirectX dan OpenGL
inilah solusinya

by Admin
Hendra Todo
for All Viewer

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Macromedia Flash 8.0 Professional free download

Macromedia Flash 8 Free Download

Kali ini my nevata  akan membagikan sebuah software yang lagi trend karena fungsinya yang sangat menarik, Macromedia flash 8 adalah software untuk membuat game flash, animasi dan berbagai program lain.
Software ini juga mendukung untuk action script 1.0 sampai 3.0 jadi jika anda seorang programmer software ini sanguat cocok untuk anda.

itu adalah salah satu gambar yang dibuat dengan macromedia flash 8
bagaimana tertarik ?

silahkan download
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semoga artikel dari mynevata kali ini akan bermanfaat
bagi para penggila programmer and Gammer yang ingin mencoba membuat game sendiri

for Rio Chandra Gunawan
By My Nevata Admin
Hendra Todo

Narrative Text for Story telling


     Once upon a time, there was a widow who lived alone,Because there was no one on her side,she felt and dreamed of the presence of a child.In the small village.She say at heart”when I have a child,I tired of live alone”.. And she think for call BUTO IJO.
            Widow  : It has been a long time I haven’t got a child, Last minnner is call buto ijo.
                          (She clack his hand, and buto ijo is coming)
            Buto ijo : ha..ha…ha…ha…. !! Why you called me ??
            Widow              : I have one request to you it has been a long time I haven’t a child. Can you help me ?
            Buto ijo : of course, but I have one prerequirement for you!
            Widow              : what is ?
            Buto ijo : If you have a child, you must give me if your child grow up.
            Widow              : O.K !!!
            Buto ijo : This is a seeds cucumber. And if cucumber already ripe. Pick them and  crack. And you have a new child
            Widow              : Thanks
Two weeks passed and the cucumber started to bear fruits,andthere was one which was large and shined like gold. The widow pickad the large cucumber and splitted it carefully and it appeared that therewas a cute baby was named Timun Emas. And as the time goes,timun emas grow up. Buto ijo goes to timun emas hut and he dun timun emas widow promise.
            Buto ijo : where is your child ??
            Widow : She goes to play with her friend
            Buto ijo : Don’t lie! You must keep your promise !
            Widow  : But She really plays with her friend !!
            Buto ijo : O. K.. but you must call your child now !!
            Widow  : ye… yeah  !!
    Few minutes latter ,,,, In friend timun emas’s home
            Widow            :  Timun emas.. I want say important matter to you !
            Timun emas     :  What is mom ?
            Widow           :  Actually, before you was born, I have one promise to buto ijo
            Timun emas     :  Who is buto ijo?
            Widow           :  He is evil giant who help me to have a child and I make a
                                       promise to him when you grow up,I must give you to him. Now
                                       you must run far from here and I give you four small package
                                       contaid cucumber seeds,needles,salt and terasi.I will pray for you
                                       safety from the giant
     Next mother say to buto ijo
            Widow            : Buto ijo…. Timun emas not in anywhere
            Buto ijo           : Don,t lie again
                                    (afterwards,buto ijo look timun emas)
                                    There is timun emas ! don’t run !!
           Widow             : Run timun emas… Run !!!

     Buto ijo overtake timun emas…   He chased her. When she was almost caught,she dispersed the cucumber seeds from the package and they suddenly became cucumber field. He was interested in eating the cucumber. Thenshe was almost caught she dispersed the needles from the package that became bamboo field. His feet were wounded and bled.pricked by the bamboos. Yet he didn’t give up and kept chasing her,then she dispersed the salt from the package and the field became a sea. Yet he kept chasing her. Finally, she dispersed the terasi from the package. Suddenlyappeared boiling sea mud, and finally he was dead. With the dead of the giant,Timun emascould live happily with her mother

Narrative Text for Story Telling

The Lonely Landy

One day, there was a porcupine named Landy. He was lonely. No one wanted to play with him, because they were afraid of his spike.
“Dear Landy. We don’t want to play with you because your spikes are too sharp. We don’t want you to hurts us,” said Cici the rabbit one day.
“Cici is right, Landy. It is not because you’re bad or rude to us, no, Landy. Just because of your spikes. They will stab us if we close to you,” said Tito the rooster.
Landy felt lonely. Landy spent most of the time day dreaming at the river bank, “I would be happy if there were no spikes on my body.”
Suddenly, Kuku the turtle appeared from the river. He came to Landy and said, “Landy, what are you thinking of ?”
“Oh, nothing,” Landy replied.
“Don’t lie to me, Landy! Who knows I can help you,” said Kuku wisely. Then he sat beside Landy. He wasn’t afraid of Landy’s spikes.
Shortly, Landy told his problem. Kuku nodded his head. He said, “Poor you. But it isn’t your fault. I know, your spikes are very useful and helpful for you. They will realize it someday. Trust me!”
“Thanks, Kuku. You are my best friend.”
One day, Koko the frog held his birthday party. He invited all his friends, including Landy. But he decided not to come. He didn’t want to mess up the party.
“I’ll come with you Landy. I’ll tell everyone that you’re harmless,” said Kuku. Finally Landy attended the party. Everyone enjoyed it.
Suddenly Tito screamed, “Help….help.…! The evil wolf is coming. Save yourself!” Then, everyone saved their lives, except Kuku and landy. Kuku pulled his head and his leg into his shell. And Landy rolled his body into a ball.
Unintentionally, the evil wolf touched Landy. Of course, the spike pricked him. He screamed, “Ouch!” Since his foot was bleeding, he didn’t chase Landy’s friends any longer. Then, he ran away.
“Horray….horray….! Long live Landy! He saved our lives,” said Cici and her friends. They thanked him from then on. Landy wasn’t lonely anymore.

Moral value  :
We should not underestimate someone’s bad physical appearance

Narrative Text for Story Telling

Narrative Text in Folktale: "The Three Feathers Story"
Once upon time There was a king who had three sons. The two son were clever. The third son did not speak much so he was called Simpleton. When the king had become old, he did not know which son should become the king.

Then he got a bright idea and said; "Go forth, who brings me the most beautiful carpet will be king after me". He blew three feathers in the air, and said: "You should go as they fly". One feather flew to the east, the scond to the west, but the third flew straight up and did not fly far.

So one brother went to the right, and the other to the left. Simpleton was sad because his feather did not fly far. Then all at once he saw a trap-door close to the feather. He found some steps, and went down the door. Then he came to another door, knocked at it. The door opened, and he saw a fat toad sitting. She asked what he wanted. He answered; "I should get the prettiest and finest carpet in the world". Then she called a young toad; "Bring me the great box!"

The young toad brought the box. The fat toad opened it, and gave simpleton a carpet out of it. The carpet was so beautiful. So Simpleton thanked her, and brought it to the kingdom. Meanwhile his brothers just got some coarse handkerchiefs from a shepherds' wives whom they had met. When the king saw Simpleton's carpet he was very astonished and said; " Well, the kingdom belongs to the Simpleton". But his two brothers argued that it was impossible that simpleton should be king, They asked the king to make a new agreement.

Then the father said; "Who brings me the most beautiful ring will inherit the kingdom". He blew three feathers, which they were to follow. Those of the two eldest again went east and west, and simpleton's feather flew straight up, and fell down near the trap-door. Again the fat toad gave him a ring sparkled with jewels. Meanwhile his two brohter just got old carriage-rings. However they did not cease from tormenting the king until he made a third condition.

So the king declared; Who brings the most beautiful woman home will be the king". He again blew the three feathers into the air. Then Simpleton went down to the fat toad, and said; "I am to take home the most beautiful woman". The she gave him a yellow turnip which had been hollowed out. Mournfully Simpleton said; "What am I to do with it?". The toad answered; "Just put one of my little toads into it!". Then Simpleton seized one little toad and put her into the yellow coach. Surprisingly the little toad turned into a beautiful maiden. So Simpleton took her to the king. On the other hand, his brother brought peasant women to the kingdom.

When the king saw the women he said; "After my death the kingdom belongs to my youngest son". But the two eldest brothers kept arguing that whose wife could leap through a ring which hung in the center of the hall would be the king. The king agreed. Then the two peasant women jumped through the ring but they fell which made their arms and legs broke. On the other hand, the pretty maiden sprang through the ring as lightly as a deer which made the two peasants ceased. So Simpleton received the crown and ruled wisely the kingdom

Narrative Text for Story Telling

The Rabbit and The Bear

      Once upon a time, there lived as neighbours, a bear and a rabbit. The rabbit is a good shoter. In contrary, the bear is always clumsy and greedy .

One day, the bear called over the rabbit and asked the rabbit to take his bow and arrows and came with bear to the other side of the hill. The rabbit was fearing to arouse the bear's anger so he could not refuse it. He agreed and went with the bear and shot enough buffalo to satisfy the hungry family. Indeed he shot and killed so many that there was lots of meat left after the bear and his family had loaded themselves and packed all they could carry home.

The bear was very gluttonous and did not want the rabbit to get any of the meat.The poor rabbit would have to go home hungry after his hard day's work.

The bear was the father of five children. The youngest child was very friendly to the rabbit. He was very hearty eater. The mother bear always gave him an extra large piece of meat but the youngest child did not eat it. He would take it outside with him. He kicked toward the rabbit's house and when he got close to the door he would give the meat with such a great kick. The meat would fly into the rabbit's house. In this way, the poor rabbit would get his meal unknown to the bear father.

Fell too Deep?
Need a Hand?