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Android kini menjamur dimana-mana dengan berbagai macam merek, mulai
dari merek ternama hinga merek asal negri negeri tiongkok. Baru-baru ini
ada salah satu smartphone yang menjadi perhatian publik, namun bukan
smartphone brand besar seperti Samsung, Sony, Motorolla atau LG,
melainkan smartphone dengan merek baru.
Tidak mau kalah dengan produk luar negeri, kini telah hadir Lumid 1M,
yaitu smartphone Android buatan Indonesia. Lumid 1M ini adalah
smartphone buatan PT. Binar Lumyna Indonesia yang diklaim memiliki dapur
pacu yang mengaggumkan.
Diklaim dengan spesifikasi tinggi, Lumid 1M memiliki spesifikasi antara lain menggunakan prosesor Octa-Core MT6595 2.2Ghz dengan 3GB RAM. Untuk menyimpan sistem dan aplikasi
pengguna diberikan memori internal sebesar 16GB yang dapat diekspansi
dengan adanya slot microSD yang dapat menampung hingga 128GB.
Pengguna juga akan mendapat kenyamanan saat menggunakan Lumid 1M
dengan layar yang lega. Tidak tanggung-tanggung Lumid 1M ini diberi
layar dengan lebar 5.5 inch bertipe IPS display dari sharp yang memiliki
resolusi Full HD 1920×1080 pixel serta dilapisi dengan Corning Gorilla Glass generasi 3.
Dilihat dari pengambilan gambar, Lumid 1M ini dijejali dengan
spesifikasi kamera yang begitu mencengangkan. Bayangkan saja, Lumid 1M
ini dijejali dengan kamera Sony IMX 220 20.7 megapixel dengan aperture
sebesar f/1.8 pada kamera utama, tentu akan menambah kulitas pengambilan
gambar pada situasi low-light atau kurang cahaya. Selain itu,
masih pada kamera utama yang dibawakan pada Lumid 1M dapat merekam video
dengan kualitas 4K dengan kecepatan 30fps, sedangkan untuk kamera depan
juga cukup memuaskan bagi yang suka berfoto selfie, dengan kamera 8
Fitur lainnya hampir sama dengan smartphone yang sudah beredar dipasar gadget saat ini. Antara lain tersedia fitur jarinan LTE, NFC dan Wireless Charging.
Walau Lumid 1M ini memiliki fitur dual-sim, namun hanya 1 sim saja
yang mendapat jaringan hingga LTE. Pasalnya sim kedua hanya mampu
menangkap sinyal hingga 2.5G atau EDGE. Dengan alasan untuk menghemat
daya tahan baterai.
Lumid 1M tersedia dengan dua pilihan warna yaitu hitam dan putih.
Untuk harganya sendiri Lumid 1M akan dibandrol harga yang membuat para
calon pengguna tertarik.
Walau banyak mendapat kritikan, tetapi
kondisi internet di Indonesia saat ini mendapat pujian di forum
internasional. Tak tanggung-tanggung, pujian itu berasal dari Bapak
Internet Dunia, Vinton Gray Cerf.
Pujian tersebut diutarakan oleh Vint Cerf, sapaan akrabnya, dalam
kesempatan pertemuan bilateral antara delegasi Indonesia Internet
Governance Forum (ID-IGF) dan sejumlah tokoh internet dunia di Istanbul,
Turki, Selasa (2/9/2014).
"Indonesia dapat menjadi model bagi kawasan tentang bagaimana mendorong pelibatan multi-stakeholder untuk tata kelola Internet," demikian pernyataan Vint Cerf dalam siaran pers yang diterima oleh KompasTekno, Senin (8/9/2014).
Selain itu, pria yang juga menjabat sebagai Chief Internet Evangelist
Google itu juga mengatakan bahwa inisiasi dan proses Indonesia dalam
dialog tata kelola Internet patut untuk ditularkan ke sejumlah negara
"Apa yang telah dilakukan Indonesia (dalam formulasi ID-IGF) secara
umum telah melampaui apa yang telah dilakukan oleh negara lain,"
demikian puji Vint Cerf.
Untuk itulah maka Vint Cerf pun
mendorong agar ID-IGF kemudian berani mengambil inisiatif dialog lebih
luas lagi. Tidak sekadar untuk Indonesi, tetapi juga untuk kawasan
Pujian yang disampaikan Vint Cerf itu mendapat sambutan yang baik
dari Andi Budimansyah, Chair ID-IGF, yang juga Ketua Umum Pengelola Nama
Domain Indonesia (PANDI).
"Pengakuan dunia terhadap proses yang tengah dirintis oleh ID-IGF
menjadi kepercayaan dan amanah untuk terus mendorong proses tata kelola
Internet di Indonesia menjadi lebih transparan, akuntabel, dan
profesional," ujarnya.
Meski terdengar mirip, ada perbedaan penting antara istilah "water proof" (anti air) dan "water resistant" (tahan air).
Perangkat yang memiliki sertifikasi water proof bisa tahan dicemplungkan ke dalam air hingga kedalaman tertentu, sementara perangkat water resistant hanya bisa bertahan dari cipratan air.
Nah, jam tangan pintar Apple Watch yang diperkenalkan bersama dengan duet iPhone baru ternyata termasuk dalam kategori water resistant. Hal tersebut diungkapkan oleh jurnalis Yahoo Tech David Pogue yang mendapat informasi dari pihak Apple.
keringat, hujan, atau air saat mencuci tangan atau memasak tidak
apa-apa. Tapi Anda harus melepasnya saat akan berenang atau mandi,"
tulis Pogue dalam artikelnya.
Apple Watch
Apple sendiri masih belum merinci detail spesifikasi dari produk jam
tangan pintar besutannya ini. Hanya diketahui bahwa Apple Watch tersedia
dalam dua jenis ukuran layar, yakni 1,5 inci dan 1,7 inci.
ukuran layar itu terbagi lagi dalam tiga model berbeda, yaitu model
standar Apple Watch, Apple Watch Sports yang lebih ringan dengan bodi
aluminium, dan varian mewah Apple Watch Edition yang berlapis emas 18
Daya tahan baterai juga belum dijelaskan oleh Apple, namun
beberapa sumber menyebutkan bahwa perangkat ini hanya dapat bertahan
selama sehari untuk satu kali pengisian baterai.
Apple Watch
dijadwalkan mulai tersedia pada awal 2015 mendatang, dengan banderol
harga mulai 350 dollar AS atau sekitar Rp 4,2 juta.
Bangsa Yunani adalah bangsa yang pertama dikenal secara aktif menjelajahi geografi sebagai ilmu dan filosofi, dengan pemikir utamanya Thales dari Miletus, Herodotus, Eratosthenes, Hipparchus, Aristotle, Dicaearchus dari Messana, Strabo, dan Ptolemy. Bangsa Romawi memberi sumbangan pada pemetaan karena mereka banyak menjelajahi negeri dan menambahkan teknik baru. Salah satu tekniknya adalah periplus, deskripsi pada pelabuhan dan daratan sepanjang garis pantai yang bisa dilihat pelaut di lepas pantai; contoh pertamanya adalah Hanno sang Navigator dari Carthaginia dan satu lagi dari Laut Erythraea, keduanya selamat di laut menggunakan teknik periplus dengan mengenali garis pantai laut Merah dan Teluk Persi.
Pada Jaman Pertengahan, bangsa Arab seperti al-Idrisi, Ibnu Battuta dan Ibnu Khaldun memelihara dan terus membangun warisan bangsa Yunani dan Romawi. Dengan perjalanan Marco Polo, geografi menyebar ke seluruh Eropa. Selama jaman Renaissance dan pada abad ke-16 dan 17 banyak perjalanan besar dilakukan untuk mencari landasan teoritis dan detil yang lebih
akurat. Geographia Generalis oleh Bernhardus Varenius dan peta dunia Gerardus Mercator adalah contoh terbesar.
Setelah abad ke-18 geografi mulai dikenal sebagai disiplin ilmu yang lengkap dan menjadi bagian dari kurikulum di universitas di Eropa (terutama di Paris dan Berlin), tetapi tidak di Inggris dimana geografi hanya diajarkan sebagai sub-disiplin dari ilmu lain. Salah satu karya besar jaman ini adalah Kosmos: sketsa deskripsi fisik Alam Semesta, oleh Alexander vom Humboldt.
Selama lebih dari dua abad kuantitas pengetahuan dan perangkat pembantu banyak ditemukan. Terdapat hubungan yang kuat antara geografi dengan geologi dan botani, juga ekonomi, sosiologi dan demografi.
Di barat, selama abad ke-20, disiplin ilmu geografi melewati empat fase utama: determinisme lingkungan, geografi regional, revolusi kuantitatif dan geografi kritis.
Determinisme lingkungan adalah teori yang menyatakan bahwa karakteristik manusia dan budayanya disebabkan oleh lingkungan alamnya. Penganut fanatik deteriminisme lingkungan adalah Carl Ritter, Ellen Churchill Semple dan Ellsworth Huntington. Hipotesis terkenalnya adalah “iklim yang panas menyebabkan masyarakat di daerah tropis menjadi malas” dan “banyaknya perubahan pada tekanan udara pada daerah lintang sedang membuat orangnya lebih cerdas”. Ahli geografi determinisme lingkungan mencoba membuat studi itu menjadi teori yang berpengaruh. Sekitar tahun 1930-an pemikiran ini banyak ditentang karena tidak mempunyai landasan dan terlalu mudahnya membuat generalisasi (bahkan lebih sering memaksa). Determinisme lingkungan banyak membuat malu geografer kontemporer, dan menyebabkan sikap skeptis di kalangan geografer dengan klaim alam adalah penyebab utama budaya (seperti teori Jared Diamond).
Geografi regional menegaskan kembali topik bahasan geografi pada ruang dan tempat. Ahli geografi regional memfokuskan pada pengumpulan informasi deskriptif tentang suatu tempat, juga metode yang sesuai untuk membagi bumi menjadi beberapa wilayah atau region. Basis filosofi kajian ini diperkenalkan oleh Richard Hartshorne.
Revolusi kuantitatif adalah usaha geografi untuk mengukuhkan dirinya sebagai ilmu (sains), pada masa kebangkitan interes pada sains setelah peluncuran Sputnik. Revolusioner kuantitatif, sering disebut “kadet angkasa”, menyatakan bahwa kegunaan geografi adalah untuk menguji kesepakatan umum tentang pengaturan keruangan suatu fenomena. Mereka mengadopsi filosofi positifisme dari ilmu alam dan dengan menggunakan matematika – terutama statistika – sebagai cara untuk menguji hipotesis. Revolusi kuantitatif merupakan landasan utama pengembangan Sistem Informasi Geografis.
Walaupun pendekatan positifisme dan pos-positifisme tetap menjadi hal yang penting dalam geografi, tetapi kemudian geografi kritis muncul sebagai kritik atas positifisme. Yang pertama adalah munculnya geografi manusia. Dengan latar belakang filosofi eksistensialisme dan fenomenologi, ahli geografi manusia (seperti Yi-Fu Tuan) memfokuskan pada peran manusia dan hubungannya dengan tempat. Pengaruh lainnya adalah geografi marxis, yang menerapkan teori sosial Karl Marx dan pengikutnya pada geografi fenomena. David Harvey dan Richard Peet merupakan geografer marxis yang terkenal. Geografi feminis, seperti pada namanya, menggunakan ide dari feminisme pada konteks geografis. Arus terakhir dari geografi kritis
adalah geografi pos-modernis, yang mengambil ide teori pos-modernis dan pos-strukturalis untuk menjelajahi konstruksi sosial dari hubungan keruangan.
Geografi juga merupakan nama judul buku bersejarah pada subyek ini, yang terkenal adalah Geographia tulisan Klaudios Ptolemaios (abad kedua).
Geografi lebih dari sekedar kartografi, studi tentang peta. Geografi tidak hanya menjawab apa dan dimana di atas muka bumi, tapi juga mengapa di situ dan tidak di tempat lainnya, kadang diartikan dengan “lokasi pada ruang.” Geografi mempelajari hal ini, baik yang disebabkan oleh alam atau manusia. Juga mempelajari akibat yang disebabkan dari perbedaan yang terjadi itu.
Geografer menggunakan empat pendekatan:
1. Sistematis – Mengelompokkan pengetahuan geografis menjadi kategori yang kemudian dibahas secara global.
2. Regional – Mempelajari hubungan sistematis antara kategori untuk wilayah tertentu atau lokasi di atas planet.
3. Deskriptif – Secara sederhana menjelaskan lokasi suatu masalah dan populasinya.
4. Analitis – Menjawab kenapa ditemukan suatu masalah dan populasi tersebut pada wilayah geografis tertentu.
Istilah geografi untuk pertama kalinya diperkenalkan oleh Erastothenes pada abad ke 1. Menurut Erastothenes geografi berasal dari kata geographica yang berarti penulisan atau penggambaran mengenai bumi. Berdasarkan pendapat tersebut, maka para ahli geografi (geograf) sependapat bahwa Erastothenes dianggap sebagai peletak dasar pengetahuan geografi.
Pada awal abad ke-2, muncul tokoh baru yaitu Claudius Ptolomaeus mengatakan bahwa geografi adalah suatu penyajian melalui peta dari sebagian dan seluruh permukaan bumi. Jadi Claudius Ptolomaeus mementingkan peta untuk memberikan informasi tentang permukaan bumi secara umum. Kumpulan dari peta Claudius Ptolomaeus dibukukan, diberi nama ‘Atlas Ptolomaeus’.
Menjelang akhir abad ke-18, perkembangan geografi semakin pesat. Pada masa ini berkembang aliran fisis determinis dengan tokohnya yaitu seorang geograf terkenal dari USA yaitu Ellsworth Hunthington. Di Perancis faham posibilis terkenal dengan tokoh geografnya yaitu Paul Vidal de la Blache, sumbangannya yang terkenal adalah “Gen re de vie”. Perbedaan kedua faham tersebut, kalau fisis determinis memandang manusia sebagai figur yang pasif sehingga hidupnya dipengaruhi oleh alam sekitarnya. Sedangkan posibilisme memandang manusia sebagai makhluk yang aktif, yang dapat membudidayakan alam untuk menunjang hidupnya.
Kalau kita perhatikan beberapa definisi/pengertian dan sejarah perkembangan dari geografi tersebut, ternyata pengertian geografi selalu mengalami perkembangan. Namun kalau kita kaji lebih jauh, di antara pandangan para ahli tersebut tampak ada kesamaan titik pandang. Kesamaan titik pandang tersebut adalah mengkaji:
1. bumi sebagai tempat tinggal;
2. hubungan manusia dengan lingkungannya (interaksi);
3. dimensi ruang dan dimensi historis; dan
4. pendekatannya, spasial (keruangan), ekologi (kelingkungan) dan regional (kewilayahan).
Sejarah Geografi di Indonesia
Geografi di Indonesia sudah dikenal sejak zaman pendudukan Belanda yang dibawa masuk oleh para ilmuwan Belanda yang melakukan studi/ kajian tentang Hindia Belanda. Istilah Geograf iyang dipergunakan adalah Aardrijskunde, sama seperti yang dinegeri Belanda. Pada awalnya, perkembangan Geografi mengikuti perkembangan ilmu Geografi di negeri Belanda dan terus semakin pesat seiring dengan semakin banyaknya ilmuwan Geografi Belanda yang melakukan studi di Indonesia. Penggunaan istilah Aardrijskunde di sekolah-sekolah Indonesia cukup lama dan berakhir ketika Belanda meninggalkan Indonesia dan digantikan oleh Jepang. Ketika Jepang menduduki Indonesia dan dengan semangat Asianya penggunaan istilah Aardrijskunde diganti dengan istilah yang sesuai dengan bahasa setempat. Ilmuwan Indonesia, seperti Adinegoro dan Adam Bachtiarmenyelaraskan istilah tersebut dengan Ilmu Bumi. Istilah ini dipergunakan di sekolah-sekolah cukup lama, bahkan hingga sekarang istilah Ilmu Bumi untuk Geografi masih banyak dikenal. Penggunaan istilah dan pengertian sebenarnya tentang Geografi baru dimulai pada tahun 1955 setelah terdapat Perguruan Tinggi dan kader-kader bangsa Indonesia mengembangkan ilmu tersebut. Setelah diadakan Seminar Geografi di Semarang pada tahun 1972 diperoleh keseragaman dalam mengisi dan menggunakan Geografi sebagai ilmu tata ruang, sedangkan terjemahan Ilmu Bumi lebih tepat untuk kata Geologi, karena Geo berarti Bumi dan Logos (logi) berarti Ilmu.
Geografi Politik dan Geopolitik
Geografi Politik pertama kali dikemukakan oleh Friederich Ratzel yang melihat adanya hubungan antara lingkungan alam dengan manusia penghuninya. Pada bukunya yang berjudul Politische Geographie (1897), Ratzel mengemukakan adanyahubungan faktor fisis Geografis dengan ras-ras yang terdapat dimasing-masing negeri. Menurut Ratzel, bentuk pemerintahan negara ditentukan pula oleh alam. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa Geografi Politik yang dikemukakan oleh Ratzel dasar pemikirannya adalah fisis determinis. Pemikiran tersebut didukung oleh pemikir-pemikir Jerman yang berpendapat bahwa Geografi Politik perlu dikembangkan untuk diambil manfaatnya bangi kepentingan Negara dan bangsa. Pemikiran tersebut muncul saat Jerman kalah pada perang dunia pertama. Otto Maul, pada tahun 1925 menerbitkan buku yang berjudul Politische Geographie. Ia mengungkapkan bahwa “Geografi politik adalah ajaran mengenai bentang alam sebagai ruang hidup politik (Politische labensraum)”. Geografi Politk menurutnya, adalah studi tentang bentang alam di mana kehidupan negara berlangsung. Berkenaan dengan hal tersebut, Maull mengungkapkan bahwa pembentukan negara adalah suatu fungsi bentang alam dan setiap negara harus berupaya untuk tumbuh di dalma bentuk sebagaimana ditunjukkan oleh bentang alam. Karenanya batas negara mempunyai kecenderungan tepat bersama bentang alam.
Richard Hennig, seorang profesor di Berlin berpendapat,sesungguhnya yang dipelajari oleh Geografi Politik adalah bentang alam di mana kehidupan negara berlangsung, namun ilmu tersebut adalah statis. Sehingga, menurutnya harus ada ilmu tentangbentang alam yang sifatnya dinamis, yaitu Geopolitik. Geopolitik adalah ajaran tentang kekuatan-kekuatan politik di dalam keterkaitan kepada bumi. Berkenaan dengan kondisi tersebut, padatahun 1928, Hennig menyusun buku pegangan yang berjudul Geopolitik, die Lehre von staat als Lebewesen (ajaran tentang negara sebagai mahluk hidup). Menurut pendapatnya, Geografi mempelajari ruang hidup dengan segala sifat-sifatnya dan kecenderungan untuk pertumbuhannya menuju batas. Geopolitik mempelajari untuk penerapannya di masa mendatang sehubungan dengan hasil yang di dapat dari studi yang dilakukan oleh Geografi politik. Dengan singkat kata dapat diuraikan bahwa Geopolitik adalah penerapan dari ajaran Geografi Politik.Karl Haushofer, Erich Obst, Herman Lautensach, dan OttoMaull pada tahun 1928 secara bersama menyusun buku petunjuk, yaitu Bausteine zur Geopolitik (Dasar-dasar Geopolitik). Pada buku tersebut Haushofer mengemukakan, bahwa geopolitik adalah ilmu ketatanegaraan yang bekerjasama dengan Geografi. Geopolitik adalah pemikiran Geografi dari negara. Data teritorial merupakan titik tolak untuk menelaah terbentuknya wilayah negara beserta isinya oleh pertarungan kekuatan politik yang ada. Geopolitik adalah dinamis, ia mempelajari gejala-gejala politik di dalam kegiatan ruang, di dalam perjuangan maupun di dalam penataanya. Menurutnya, inti ajaran Geopolitik, adalah :
1. Negara adalah Organisme
2. Sebagaimana setiap organisme, ia tunduk kepada setiap hukumalam.
3. Hukum-hukum alam ditunjukkan dan diletakkan oleh bentangalam.
Menurut Hennig, negara sebagai suatu organisme tidakberbeda dengan manusia. Ia tumbuh dari bayi menjadi kanak-kanak, kemudian menjadi dewasa untuk selanjutnya menjadi tua. Pada waktu negara masih muda ia tumbuh lambat, tetapi kemudian setelah mencapai dewasa ia memperoleh rangsangan kekuatanuntuk memperluas wilayahnya dan melakukan kolonisasi(menduduki wilayah negara lain). Perbedaannya dengan manusia, bila negara sudah mencapai umur lanjut ia harus berusahameremajakan kembali jangan sampai mati.
Schmidt dan Haack, dua orang Jerman yang pada tahun 1929 telah membuat Geopolitischen Typenatlas. Mereka telah memberikan gambaran ke arah mana batas-batas suatu Negara dapat tumbuh menurut bentang alam. Berkenaan dengan bentangalam, Maull menambahkan bahwa ilmu dasar untuk geografi fisik adalah geomorfologi dan bagi geopolitik, geomorfologi merupakan ilmu dasar untuk memberi batas dan pertumbuhan negara-negara. James Fairgrieve, seorang Inggris pada tahun 1930mengkonstatir bahwa perluasan kekuasaan Kerajaan Romawi padasaat kejayaannya, batasnya di bagian utara letak bersamaandengan isoterm 0oC dari bulan terdingin. Menilik inti ajaran Geopolitik yang menganggap Negara sebagai sebuah organisme, dari segi pemikiran geografi merupakan bentuk kekeliruan. Apalagi memperluas batas negara dengan anggapan telah ditentukan oleh hukum alam merupakan pandangan ekspansionis. Dalam kenyataannya, banyak batasnegara yang sama dengan batas alam, namun kondisi tersebut terjadi karena adanya bentuk persetujuan di antara negara-negara tersebut, bukan ditentukan atau ditunjukkan oleh alam.Inti ajaran Geopolitik dari segi metoda keilmuan merupakan ilmu terselubung dan merupakan hasil pemikiran beberapa pemikir Jerman yang berpandangan ekspansionis.
Geografi Terapan
Seperti ilmu-ilmu lain, Geografi mempunyai kegunaan praktisyang dapat memberikan sumbangan kepada berbagai lapangan kehidupan. Teori Geografi dan hasil penelitiannya dapat dipergunakan untuk mengembangkan lapangan kehidupan yang sudah ada maupun untuk pengembangan yang baru, terutamayang berhubungan dengan perencanaan dan pemanfaatan ruang bumi, seperti pemakaian lahan untuk pertanian, penempatan industri, pembangunan permukiman dan perkotaan serta rekonversi daerah. Pengorganisasian ruang bumi secara rasional dan berdayaguna merupakan bidang kerja geografi yang disebut Geografi Terapan (applied geography; angewandtete geographie; geographie applique). Perkembangan Geografi terapan dimulai di Inggris pada tahun1942 yang dipelopori oleh Dudley Stamp dalam mereorganisasi lahan pertanian di Inggris untuk tetap dapat melakukan perlawanan dan memenangkan peperangan melawan Nazi Jerman. Setelah Perang Dunia ke dua berakhir, keberadaan Geografi terapan semakin dirasakan pentingnya untuk dimanfaatkan dalam pembangunan kembal Eropa setelah porak poranda akibat perang. Berbagai lembaga perencanaan, baik pemerintah maupun swasta didirikan di berbagai negara Eropa. Pada perkembangan berikutnya, pendirian lembaga-lembaga perencanaan juga dilakukan di Amerika Utara, Amerika Selatan, Asia, dan Australia. Pada Kongres Geografi Internasional di Stockholm pada tahun1960 disepakati resolusi yang meminta setiap anggota nasional pada saat Kongres Geografi Internasional di London tahun 1964 menyampaikan laporan tentang Geografi Terapan, khususnya berkenaan dengan :
1. Isi dan kejelasan cakupan Geografi terapan serta manfaat yang bisa diberikannya dalam pengaturan tata ruang dan perkembangannya.
2. Inventaris lingkup pekerjaan yang memanfaatkan Geografi terapan.
3. Bagian pengajaran sebagai kelengkapan universitas yang mempersiapkan tenaga kerja
Dewasa ini, pemanfaatan Geografi terapan sudah menjadi bagian yang tidak terlepaskan dalam proses pembangunan diseluruh dunia. Kondisi ini menunjukkan bahwa Geografi merupakan ilmu yang penting bagi kehidupan umat manusia dalam mengelola dan memanfaatkan ruang di muka bumi sehingga ruang tersebut memberi nilai tambah bagi kehidupan umat manusia.
Me-refresh komputer dengan menekan F5 di komputer atau dengan mengklik kanan lalu pilih Refresh, siapapun pasti pernah melakukannya. Anda pasti berpikir dengan me-refresh komputer, kerja atau loading komputer akan lebih cepat. Benarkah itu?
Sebenarnya ketika Anda me-refresh komputer maka CPU/Prosesor akan mereset kondisi ke status terakhir sistem. Pada saat komputer hang,
berarti terjadi antrian yang sumber dayanya tidak terpenuhi tepat waktu
sehingga mengakibatkan terjadinya antrian yang lebih panjang lagi.
Jadi apakah me-refresh komputer berulang kali dapat mempercepat loading komputer? Tidak sama sekali. Justru dengan seringnya melakukan refresh komputer hanya akan menambah beban kerja CPU dan membuat prosesor semakin panas.
Banyak yang mengira jika setelah komputer menyala kita me-refreshdesktop
dapat meningkatkan kecepatan performa komputer. Namun itu sama sekali
tidak berpengaruh. Komputer akan tetap lambat jika memang komputer
tersebut lambat, begitu juga sebaliknya.
Me-refresh komputer (desktop) berarti memuat ulang isi desktop,
jadi jika kita melakukannya berulang-ulang atau menahan tombol F5 agak
lama, itu membuat prosesor bekerja hingga 100%. Untuk membuktikanya,
coba Anda buka Task Manager pada komputer Anda. Klik kanan pada Taskbar lalu pilih Start Task Manager, atau dengan menekan tombol CTRL+ALT+DEL secara bersamaan. Setelah Window Task Manager terbuka, pilih tab Performance dan perhatikan CPU Usage. Nah, sekarang coba tekan F5 untuk me-refresh
komputer. Apakah yang terjadi? Bisa terlihat ketika kita menekan F5,
performa CPU akan mencapai 100% lalu kembali turun dalam waktu singkat.
Pada komputer yang lambat, terlalu sering me-refresh komputer juga bisa membuat komputer hang karena komputer akan kesulitan memuat ulang desktop. Hal ini juga bisa terjadi pada komputer yang start-upnya cukup banyak sehingga dengan me-refresh dapat menambah beban kerja sampai komputer pun kewalahan dan akhirnya terjadi hang.
Jadi, jika Anda ingin me-refresh
komputer, cukup lakukan sekali saja. Mungkin jika Anda hanya
melakukannya sekali, tidak menjadi masalah, CPU bisa menanganinya. Tapi
jika itu dilakukan berulang kali, Anda akan mendapatkan penurunan
performa prosesor Anda.
Techradar, Android L is here, and it's brought a raft of new changes,
with Sundar Pichai, head of Android, proclaiming it to be one of the
biggest upgrades to Android yet.
It's going to have a
radical new design, 5000 new APIs, will be available for developer
previews soon, and it's going beyond the mobile form factor. Android L
will be contextually aware of its surrounding, plus voice is going to me
a major input source.
The experience will also be
seamless, so Android L devices communicate properly, although Pichai was
at pains to point out the mobile phone will always be the priority.
was in attendance to see all the action unfold, so if you're hankering
for all the information about Android L, then you've come to the right
place. Check out everything you need to know about Google's new mobile
Android L release date
Here's what most of you will be wanting to know: when can I get it on my phone? Well, if you're a developer with a Nexus 5 or Nexus 7 then it will be easiest, as it's available from June 26 to developers.
the rest of the folk in the world, it's coming 'this fall', which means
that this is very much a preview to appease those that want to get
cracking on development, and launching it at Google IO makes sense.
also means that as Android L readies itself for a consumer launch we'll
find out more about whether it's Android 5, Android 4.5 and which
dessert name it will have... we're certain there's one coming.
HTC has already been in contact, giving the following statement about it's forthcoming upgrade to Android L:
is excited about the new features in Android L and we can't wait to
share them with our customers. We are committed to updating our flagship
HTC One family as fast as possible.
"We will begin rolling out updates to the HTC One (M8) and HTC One (M7)
in regions worldwide within 90 days of receiving final software from
Google, followed shortly thereafter by other One family members and
select devices."
Remember, this doesn't mean the developer preview, but the final version later in the year. So expect Android L on your HTC One M8 and M7 around Christmas.
update you as soon as we find out any more information from the other
manufacturers about their plans for Android L release schedules.
Material Design
big news for Android L is the change to the way it looks - and it's
going well beyond the mobile phone to the tablet, TV screen, watch and
even the car.
The new Material Design is strange in that
it bucks a trend at the moment - yes, it's flat, but it's heavily based
on making every animation, every ripple, every shadow look real, which
is something that most brands are shying away from.
tells us that this feels more intuitive, which means that there will be
shadow gradients, 3D tiles that slide over one another and most
importantly: access for developers to use this for themselves on their
The idea of obvious: remove the fragmented way
Android looks and bring consistency to the app world not matter what
device you're on.
Roboto font has been updated too, so everything from watch to TV to mobile looks the same.
animation on screen will be allowed to connect to one another - so
there's no 'teleportation between apps'. The home, back and
multi-tasking window buttons on Android have been refined too, and
overall, this is a massive step forward for a cleaner, more
intuitive-looking version of Google's mobile platform.
Notifications and lock screen
on Android L are getting an overhaul, so only the more relevant
information about your apps is being presented. The notification panel
is being merged with the lockscreen so you can see what's going on as
you pick up the phone, and a simple swipe up takes you into the phone.
Imagine that the lockscreen is similar to the notifications panel now, and you're pretty much there.
Android L will also learn from you, working out what you look at and interact with more often to prioritise that notification.
big change is that notifications will flow over the screen at the top -
get a call when you're playing a game and it will pop up at the top,
asking if you want to take it. This will likely be the same with
messages etc too, meaning less intrusion at the wrong times.
lockscreen is getting smarter too - if you've got a specific location
set up, or are wearing a Bluetooth device, the phone will recognise you
and unlock without a PIN. Move away or take your watch off and you'll
need to tap or swipe in a code when you unlock - or you can even use
your voice.
Interlocking apps
Google wants your
apps to be able to talk to one another - it used the example of
searching for a place, only to have it served up in Google Earth, which
is where it originally was being looked at.
The idea goes
much deeper than that though - Chrome browsing has an API that other
apps can take advantage of, so if you click a link to book a table in
the browser you'll be taken to something like OpenTable directly, rather
than the mobile site.
This feature depends a lot on app
developers taking advantage of the new tools, but all the onboard Google
apps will be much more dependent on one another.
Android L is Faster, better looking and more efficient
Android comes with some nifty new features that make an immediate
visual impact, Google has put a lot of work in behind the scenes to
ensure that Android L is the fastest yet. If you're not big on
codespeak, then this is the upshot: a new way of putting the platform
together when you're using the phone makes everything slicker, faster
and more efficient.
If you're interested, here are the finer details: ART, an optional runtime in Android KitKat,
has now been made the standard for Android L and works with ARM, x86
and MIPS platforms and runs twice as fast as the Dalvik runtime that is
found on previous Android iterations.
biggest benefit to users comes that this won't require apps to be
readjusted in order to benefit, instead all apps with benefit from ART
right away. ART is also more memory efficient than Dalvik meaning that
apps that are running in the background will benefit from megabytes of
saved data.
ART is also 64-bit compatible allowing
Android L to benefit from the larger number registers, cross platform
support and the increased RAM support that 64-bit architecture supports.
L also allows mobile devices to further close the gap not only between
mobile and console-quality gaming, but also between mobile and PC
graphics. Working with Nvidia, Qualcomm, ARM and Imagination
Technologies Google has designed the Android Extension Pack with the
sole task of closing the gap between mobile and desktop-class graphics,
which will result in "more realistic environments, more realistic
characters and vastly improved lighting".
Android L battery life
on phones running Android L are going to become more efficient with
Project Volta, Google's new way of showing why and how a phone's power
pack is juicing down.
It opens up the battery use to
developers so they can see what's ruining the experience, which should
in turn help plug the gaps in power leakage. Nothing specific to talk
about yet but will help make things look more efficient.
Saver mode is integrated by default too, which can lengthen your use
during the day by up to 90 mins. Not extreme power saving like on
Samsung or HTC phones, but still useful to have baked in, even if all
and sundry already have a likely more efficient version on board.
Even without Battery Saver mode Android L could do wonders for battery life. ArsTechnica put the new OS version to the test and found that a Nexus 5 running Android L had around 36% more battery life than one on Android 4.4 KitKat.
Android Wear gets kicked up a Gear
saw a lot more about Android Wear - and not only that, but we were
introduced to Samsung's Gear Live, the third member of the new
smartwatch game Google is trying to put together before Apple throws its
hat into the ring.
Android Wear will use the same tools
as on Android for phones and tablets, plus square and circular screens
will be supported. Sensors will be well integrated for fitness and
social interactions, and help reduce the need to check a phone screen.
It's basically wearables like the Galaxy Gear 2, really.
the design is a lot nicer, and is very similar to Google Now by letting
you swipe through cards and for more information. The watch is also
contextually aware, so if you ask to be notified about something when
you 'get home' it will know.
The watch (whichever you have) is very much voice enabled, allowing you to play music on your phone or other connected devices.
can even get a boarding pass on your watch... the poor flight
attendants. They'd only just got used to the phone being used in this
way. Do you really want to take off your watch and hand it over?
Maps is going to give turn by turn navigation on your wrist as well now
- finally. And the whole thing will be opened up with an SDK, so
developers can write code right to the wrist itself, in a very similar
environment to what they're used to, so apps should be super-snazzy
right from the start.
When a watch is connected to a
phone, it will look to see if any apps have watch compatibility and show
them right on your wrist - no need for separate apps to download, a la the Samsung Gear range. Which means you can order pizza on your wrist in less than 20 seconds... that's dangerous, right there.
And all the watches announced so far (LG, Samsung and Moto) are water resistant too.
LG G Watch is available on the Play Store - and it will be joined by
the all-new Samsung Gear Live too. The former will retail for $229, LG
said at a press event this afternoon. Straight conversions put the watch
at about £134 and AU$243.
As for the Gear Live, it will
cost $199 (about £117, AU$211). Pre-orders get off the ground straight
away via Google Play, and it will start shipping July 7.
As for the Moto 360, well, sadly, it won't be available until later in the summer.
Android TV now baked right in too
L is also going to support TV, with information overlaid across the top
of the information. It's called Android TV, surprisingly, and after the
failure of Google TV the brand is having another go, such was the
popularity of the Chromecast.
means you've got content (games, films, TV shows etc) straight on your
big screen and has a home button to get you back to the main display
whenever you want.
Search is well-integrated too (through
the mobile phone... or even an Android Wear watch), with Android TV
very much powered by voice. So say you search for something like
'Breaking Bad' on the phone (when connected to the Android TV) it will
show you the option to watch it on Google Play or any other compatible
app installed.
The demo showed that Netflix was
installed, but didn't appear in the search options - perhaps it was just
a dummy app for now, but certainly that would be where the info would
And here's the great news: Android TV has been
signed up to by some big names - the likes of Sony, Philips and Sharp
have whole 4K ranges based on Android TV. Asus and Razer promise to have
set top boxes to achieve the same thing too... although surely Google
will update Chromecast to achieve the same thing.
This could really ramp up the smart TV game.
TV is looking to snap up the mobile gamer too. You can take the games
to the bigger screen in the house. It looks like you need a separate
gamepad too. With the new Android L-based Android TV, you can even play
multiplayer games... or use it like a Chromecast too. The rumors from before the event:
5 is going to be exciting, there's no doubt about that. Google saves
the change to a new number for the big things, and it seems Android L is
now on its way, ready to be debuted at Google IO on June 25.
thought it would have been Key Lime Pie that showed off the next level,
but on 31 October 2013, Google officially revealed its next minor
update, Android 4.4 KitKat, which now clears the road for Android 5.
dessert-themed code name that we assume will begin with L is anyone's
guess at this stage. Android 5.0 Lemon Cheesecake or Android 5.0 Lemon
Meringue Pie, anyone? Though there's talk that it might be called
Android Lollipop or even Android Moonshine, as it's apparently internally known.
However, the latest leaks point simply to Android L
- given Android head honcho Sundar Pichai said the conference would
give the world an early look at the new OS, chances are the name will be
held back until closer to launch, which may be later in the year.
again, a new screengrab of the KitKat Easter egg shows a new pudding -
is that a hark to the possible Key Lime Pie that was usurped by KitKat,
or are we looking at Lemon Meringue Pie?
It may not be called Android 5
though, with some rumors suggesting the next major iteration from
Google's wheel house could arrive as Android 4.5. That would make sense
as we've had 4.0, 4.1, 4.2, 4.3 and 4.4 in recent years.
That said, it appears Google may have just dropped a hint as to the version number of the next iteration of Android. 5.0 is currently looking favorable after the time of "5.00" appeared on screenshots posted on Twitter by the search giant - a signal Google has used before.
we wait on official news of that name, we're constantly combing the web
to see what's going to be happening with this L-powered update, so
check back to see what we've uncovered and the level of likelihood each
rumor brings.
Cut to the chase
What is it? The next major upgrade for Android, to follow on from Android 4.4
When is it out? We're thinking later in 2014, but an early look at Google IO
What will it cost? Nothing, it'll be a free upgrade, but some handsets will take longer to get it than others.
Android 5.0 release date
Given Android 4.4 KitKat
appeared on 31 October, we're looking forward to finally seeing a big
step forward for Android. The good news is we're going to get our first
taste at Google IO, the search firm's annual two-day developer
conference in San Francisco.
That's a year on from when we had originally expected to see Android 5.0, which was at Google IO 2013, but Google has been keeping things within the '4.x' family for a while now.
Sundar Pichai, Google's new head of Android told Wired
that 2013's IO was "not a time when we have much in the way of launches
of new products or a new operating system"," which makes us wonder when
the new software will be coming. Our take:
Android updates are still appeating too slowly for our liking, as while
each 0.1-numbered upgrade is good, it's not enough to make us want the
native experience.
We're expecting Google to make Android
5 rather special indeed, which means it can only wait a maximum of 6-7
months after KitKat was announced to show it off - so it's a relief to
hear it's appearing, in some form at least, at the conference.
recent reports of Android 4.5 being next in line may mean the update is
more iterative than sprawling overhaul, so we're not getting too
carried away just yet.
In any case Google I/O is set for
June 25-26, so with any luck we should know lots, lots more about what
Android Lollipop will be bringing to the table soon.
Android 5.0 phones
first handset to run Android 5 will either be a Nexus phone or tablet,
and given the timing of the announcement we think it might be the
latter. The Google Nexus 5 launched Android 4.4 at the tail end of next year, and while we've been waiting for the update to the big-screen tablet, the Nexus 10 (2014) doesn't look like it's appearing any time soon. HTC looks like the front runner to bring this tablet to the market (if it does exist), but the rumors aren't pointing to an unveil any time soon.
We're also hearing a lot of rumblings about a Nexus 8, a slate which will supposedly launch with Android 4.5, so maybe that's the device that Android Lollipop will make its debut on.
Will it be known as a Nexus though? The scheme is under threat from Android Silver,
but it doesn't look like that's launching yet, so we reckon the Nexus
name will be kept for at least the next round of devices.
Android Wear
A more recent idea is that Google's next version of Android will have more fitness smarts built in - and this is an idea we think has legs, if you'll pardon the sort-of pun.
Apple is set to launch the iWatch and iOS 8
with fitness very much at the heart - Cupertino looks very likely to be
bringing something that's able to track your heart rate, blood glucose
and other vital medical info before shooting it over to your doctor.
It seems Google wants to do the same thing - it's recently-launched Android Wear platform already has companies like LG and Motorola signed up, and Samsung is rumored to be joining the party too.
idea is future versions of Android (ie Android 5) will allow the
software to harness "fitness data from sensors on your Android device."
has essentially confirmed this is going to be baked into the hardware
and software side of things, telling Bloomberg that it made no sense to
have to go to the doctor to measure a variety of health elements when
technology can do it daily.
"You obviously need to be able to measure these things so many more times and then apply more intelligence to it," he said.
It also looks like Android 5 may add support for 64-bit processors, as the Nexus 8 is rumored to have one and to be running the new version of Android (if it turns out to be a real device - chances are it won't appear just yet).
That in turn would allow for more than 4GB of RAM in devices, opening the floodgates to enormous increases in power.
have speculated that Android 5.0 will be actually Chrome OS, Google's
high power operating system for its Chromebooks - that it would use
Android for low- to mid-level handsets and put Chrome on the high end.
this makes little sense given the effort that would be needed for app
integration, so like Microsoft and Windows Phone the mobile OS will very
likely continue as is.
A recent image of 'Android L'
(which is presumably Android 4.5 / 5) appears to show the browser
floating in the middle of the screen, which may mean we'll be getting
split screen apps. That would certainly be a useful feature,
particularly on larger devices.
Samsung, LG and Sony already do this but if the functionality is baked into Android then all devices potentially could.
Android 5.0 interface
little is known about the potential interface changes for the next
iteration of Google's mobile platform, be it Android 5.0 or Android 4.5,
a screenshot has appeared online claiming to reveal the upcoming version.
a clear visual overhaul present in the screenshot, and according to the
leak the new design is being referred to as "Moonshine" internally at
We've also caught a glimpse of how the dialer might look in Android 4.5 / Android 5, courtesy of an image leaked by Google itself.
It's not in for a radical redesign but if the image is to be believed
then it will be going blue, rather than sticking with the current light
gray colour.
Good news for Android fans and enthusiasts
who want to score a HTC One deal, as both Sprint and Verizon Wireless
carriers will offer the smartphone at amazingly low prices.
looks like HTC has teamed up with both carriers to offer the smartphone
for only $30 (€22) on two-year agreements. Customers who wish to take
advantage of this offer should know the deal is only available on
November 29 and 30.
Those who can't wait for the deal to go live or don't want to, can
grab the HTC One starting today for $50 (€37) on contract, until
November 28. To make things even more interesting HTC is hosting an
interesting giveaway for a 24kt gold-plated HTC One worth of $2,500
“Starting TODAY, November 25th, HTC will be prominently
featured in Times Square with a digital billboard that brings beautiful
photos, taken by visitors to Times Square and people across the U.S. to
life in a big way.
In addition to the thrill of having their
images splashed across Times Square, those who submit photos may also be
eligible for a chance to win a HTC One each week, and two lucky winners
will receive a special edition 24kt gold plated HTC One valued at more
than $2,500.”
It is also worth mentioning that customers who
don't get to grab the HTC One on Black Friday for the small $30 (€22)
price will be able to get it for $50 (€37) between December 1 and
through December 7. Keep in mind that both new activations and upgrades
qualify for these deals.
Although HTC One will ship with Android
4.1.2 Jelly Bean operating system out of the box, if you choose Sprint's
version you will get an Android 4.3 update via OTA (over the air)
Sadly, Verizon's Android 4.3 Jelly Bean update for HTC
One has been delayed, but it should be released within the next few
Jam tangan pintar (smartwatch)
Apple, iWatch diprediksi akan mulai diproduksi pertengahan atau akhir
November tahun ini. Kabar tersebut disampaikan oleh analis KGI
Securties, Ming-Chi Kuo.
Diberitakan oleh Phone Arena (11/7/2013), Kuo yang selama
ini memiliki rekam jejak akurat dalam memprediksi rumor-rumor Apple,
merevisi prediksi awal produksi iWatch dari semula bulan September
menjadi November.
Dalam sebuah catatan yang dibagikan ke klien-kliennya, Kuo mengatakan
bahwa estimasi produksi massal iWatch tersebut diundur dari bulan
September menjadi akhir November.
Alasan pengunduran masa produksi Apple iWatch tersebut dikatakan
karena kendala yang harus dihadapi Apple terkait hardware dan software
yang dipakai dalam iWatch.
Selain itu, KGI Securities juga meramalkan pengiriman iWatch di tahun
2014 akan turun sebanyak 40 persen menjadi hanya 30 juta unit saja.
Beberapa fitur penting yang akan disertakan Apple dalam jam tangan
pintarnya antara lain layar AMOLED fleksibel, pelindung layar berbahan
kristal safir, standar anti air yang lebih tangguh, serta chip baru
dalam sistem.
Saat ini Apple telah menggandeng sejumlah atlet di
Amerika Serikat, seperti pebasket Kobe Bryant, serta bintang Hokey dan
Baseball, untuk menguji fitur-fitur kebugaran di dalamnya.
dikabarkan akan memiliki layar antara 1,5 hingga 2,5 inci. Perangkat
jam tangan pintar tersebut juga disebut bisa menjalankan beragam fitur
di iOS, termasuk fitur peta digital.
Walau awal masa produksinya diundur, namun diharapkan Apple iWatch
tetap bisa dirilis pada akhir tahun ini, bertepatan dengan musim libur
Natal 2014.
Binyamin Netanyahu, prime minister of Israel, said: 'No international pressure will prevent us from acting with all power.'
The UN's tophuman rightsofficial has called for an investigation into Israeli air strikes onGaza, on the grounds that the targeting of Palestinian homes – resulting in a high death toll among civilians, particularly children – could violate international law.
The warning from Navi Pillay, the UN high commissioner for human rights, came on the fourth day ofIsrael's bombing of the Gaza Strip and a rocket barrage of Israel by Islamic militants.
However, the Israeli prime minister,Binyamin Netanyahu, said his government would not be deflected by criticism from abroad, refusing to rule out a ground offensive and vowing there would be more air strikes. So far more than 100 Palestinians have been killed, mostly civilians, including at least 23 children. More than 670 have been injured. There have as yet been no Israeli fatalities.
Pillay said her office had received "deeply disturbing reports that many of the civilian casualties, including children, occurred as a result of strikes on homes" in Gaza. "Such reports raise serious doubt about whether the Israeli strikes have been in accordance with international humanitarian law and international human rights law."
Pillay added that the "indiscriminate firing of rockets from Gaza" could also constitute a breach.
"Every alleged breach of international law must be promptly, independently, thoroughly and effectively investigated, with a view to ensuring justice and reparations for the victims," she said.
Netanyahu shrugged off foreign criticism and said the Israeli bombing would continue unabated. "No international pressure will prevent us from acting with all power," he said, claiming to have had "good conversations" with several world leaders in recent days, including Barack Obama and European heads of government.
He claimed Israeli planes and drones had attacked more than 1,000 targets in Gaza so far this week, adding, "there are still more to go". The Israeli prime minister said Israel had already struck Gaza with twice the force used during the last offensive of its kind in 2012, and he would not rule out following the air campaign with an incursion by ground troops. "We are weighing all possibilities and preparing for all possibilities," he said.
Israeli forces have been warning of imminent air strikes with the use of mobile phone texts and warning shots on the roofs of targeted buildings, but children are believed to constitute such a high proportion of the dead partly because they are often the most afraid to leave their homes while their neighbourhoods are being bombed.
When Pillay visited Gaza and Israel in 2011 in the wake of a similar exchange of fire, she said that both Hamas and the Israeli government should be held liable for war crimes and that Israeli forces had committed crimes against humanity.
"Israel, Hamas, and Palestinian armed groups in Gaza have been down this road before, and it has led only to death, destruction, distrust and a painful prolongation of the conflict," Pillay said on Friday. UN officials said the current air strikes would have to be investigated further before a judgment on potential war crimes could be made.
Israel was reported to have been hit by 809 rockets and 61 mortars from Gaza this week. While nobody has been killed, according to local media reports, nine Israeli civilians have so far been hurt in the scramble to take cover after air-raid sirens.
Jens Laerke, spokesman of the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), told journalists: "More than 340 housing units in Gaza have been severely damaged or completely destroyed. As a result, more than 2,000 people have been displaced.
"Our aid workers on the ground report that people in Gaza are gripped by fear, the streets are empty and the shops are closed."
Tak banyak generasi saat ini yang mengetahui tombol telepon berbentuk
bundar yang dipakai oleh perangkat telepon rumahan jaman dulu. Namun,
seseorang mencoba membangkitkan ingatan lama itu dalam perangkat telepon
yang lebih baru.
Jaromir Sukuba, seorang hacker berkebangsaan Slovakia membuat perangkat ponsel dengan tombol putar, layaknya telepon rumah jadul. Perangkat tersebut diikutsertakan Sukuba dalam sebuah kompetisi membuat hardware.
Sukuba yang berusia 30 tahun tersebut memberikan nama perangkatnya
"Rotary Dial Mobile Phone." Perangkat tersebut merupakan gabungan ponsel
GSM dengan tombol dial putar.
Perangkat yang dibuat Sukuba terlihat sederhana karena masih merupakan prototipe
(purwarupa). Perangkat itu memiliki desain bentuk kotak panjang warna
hitam. Layar Monokrom di bagian atas menampilkan informasi nomor yang
dipilih dengan tombol putar yang berada di bawahnya.
Terdapat tiga tombol di bagian bawah layar itu. Tombol tersebut. Satu
tombol berguna untuk menghidupkan dan mematikan perangkat, satu lagi
untuk menghapus nomor, dan satu sebagai tombol untuk membuat panggilan
dan menutup panggilan telepon.
Sayangnya, menurut Cnet (17/6/2014), perangkat buatan Sukuba tersebut
hanya memiliki fungsi untuk menelpon saja, tidak untuk berkirim pesan
singkat (SMS), apalagi menambah berbagai aplikasi di dalamnya.
Mungkin suatu saat nanti jika ada perusahaan smartphone besar yang
tertarik membuat konsep perangkat seperti ini, kita bisa melihat
wujudnya yang lebih menarik.
Video tentang konsep "Rotary Dial Mobile Phone" bisa dilihat di situs YouTube, atau melalui link berikut ini
Nokia 808 PureView mungkin sudah terbilang lawas. Namun soal kualitas
foto, ponsel 41 megapixel ini ternyata masih lebih unggul dibanding
Galaxy S5, Xperia Z2, dan iPhone 5S sekalipun.
Sebuah percobaan
dilakukan perusahaan yang bergelut di bidang grafis, DxOMark. Mereka
membandingkan kualitas sejumlah kamera ponsel dengan memperhitungkan
beberapa aspek seperti tingkat noise, exposure, keakuratan warna dan
Hampir semua ponsel dengan kamera terbaik
diikutsertakan dalam pertandingan tersebut, termasuk Nokia 808 PureView
yang sudah dirilis sejak dua tahun lalu. Seperti dikutip Android Authority, Kamis (19/6/2014).
808 PureView memang bukan ponsel biasa. Di dalamnya terdapat teknologi
foto PureView yang diklaim dapat menghasilkan gambar dengan baik. Lalu
bagaimana jika dihadapkan dengan Galaxy S5, Xperia Z2 atau bahkan iPhone
DxOMark menyatakan bahwa kualitas foto Nokia 808 PureView
masih juara, lebih baik dari Galaxy S5, Xperia Z2 atau iPhone 5S. Namun
soal kemampuan merekam video, ponsel jadul Nokia tersebut memang harus
mengakui tiga ponsel di atasnya itu.
Pun begitu, secara
keseluruhan Galaxy S5 menduduki peringkat pertama sebagai ponsel dengan
kamera terbaik, sedangkan Xperia Z2 berada di posisi kedua, Nokia
PureView 808 di posisi tiga, dan iPhone 5S di peringkat 4.
1Password (Free + IAP) As
useful apps go, one that creates and stores passwords for the various
sites you use – strong, proper passwords, too – then helps you log in
with a single tap on the screen is a pretty good idea. 1Password is a
long-awaited release for Android, synchronising neatly with PC, Mac and
Sky Sports Football SC Brazil (Free) Just
in time for the big tournament, Sky Sports’ new World Cup app makes it
onto Android. It’s a dedicated app for scores, live text commentary,
tables, photos and other data from Brazil, complete with an option to
set your preferred country as “My Team”.
The Great British Bee Count (Free) The
latest in a growing line of crowdsourcing-for-good apps. In this case,
the good is helping Friends of the Earth and its partners build a map of
how healthy (or not) bees are around the UK. Its app is used to track
the bees you see in your local area, then send that data back to the
Copy Bubble (Free) One
of the joys of Android is the large number of simple, single-purpose
utility apps that tweak Google’s software for specific tasks. In this
case: copying and pasting, as you tap on a floating bubble to clip text
and images.
Corner - Find Football Pubs (Free)While
we’re on the subject of single-purpose apps… Corner is an app for
quickly finding pubs near your current location that are showing
football, released to capitalise on World Cup fever. You can filter by
food and facilities, check on fixtures and invite friends to a match
from within the app.
DinnerTime: Parental Control (Free) Affronted
by surly children texting or playing games at the dinner table rather
than joining the family banter? DinnerTime aims to help, albeit by the
somewhat draconian method of locking a child’s device for a set period
of time. It can also be used for bedtime, revision-time or any other
time you deem necessary.
Spydy Contacts (Free + IAP) Spydy
is apparently a “social launchpad and people organiser” – presumably
for people whose social life remains defiantly land-bound and whose
friends are un-organised. It promises a visual revamp of your contacts
app, puling in Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn, with group messaging
Peugeot Music (Free) The
challenge of “music discovery” – helping people find new songs or
rediscover old favourites in streaming music services – is being talked
about a lot in the music industry. How about help from… Peugeot? Yes,
the carmaker has its own music app, offering a curated selection of
streaming tunes.
TCS SocialSoccer (Free) More
World Cup – well, it is the week for it – with this app offering scores
and stats, but with just as much focus on tweets about prominent teams
and players. It’s also claiming to throw in some “big data analytics” to
keep you posted on Twitter sentiment around the tournament. If it
works, it could be fun.
Talking Progress (Free) Finally,
an app designed for adults suffering from depression. The idea being
that you can record your feelings in a digital diary, helping you track
the condition and discuss the results with your doctor. There’s also a
medicine-reminder alarm built in, if that’s of use.
Angry Birds Epic (Free + IAP) The
latest Angry Birds game sees no physics-based flinging. Instead, it’s a
roleplaying game (RPG) that sees you building up a team of birds and
attacking pigs through other means. Along the way, you craft and upgrade
weapons, learn new skills and get to grips with its turn-based battles
VVVVVV (£1.99) Ever
played Super Hexagon? This is the new game from its developer Terry
Cavanagh, and if anything is picking up even more buzz. It’s a platform
game that’s been available since 2010 on other devices, with graphics
reminiscent of the 1980s, and gameplay that grips you quickly then won’t
let you go.
Band Stars (Free + IAP) As
someone who happily wasted many hours on a game called Rock Star Ate My
Hamster as a child, I’ve always thought the music industry makes for
cracking games. Band Stars is the latest attempt to prove the theory
right: a fun social game that gets you hiring and firing members and
racing up the charts.
King of the Course Golf (Free + IAP) EA
knows a thing or two about golf games from its stewardship of the Tiger
Woods franchise. Its new mobile game takes a new direction –
free-to-play – with famous courses, neat touchscreen controls and, ahem,
boosts. Well, there had to be something to justify the in-app
purchases, presumably…
Flick Soccer Brazil (Free + IAP) First
of a smattering of football games in this World Cup month. Flick Soccer
Brazil comes from developer Full Fat: a new game in its very-good Flick
Soccer franchise. You’ll be flicking balls past the goalkeeper or at
the crossbar over several modes, even if the inclusion of “Brazilian
bikini babes” feels a bit unnecessary.
Great Little War Game 2 (£1.99) Developer
Rubicon Development’s little and big war games have a fervent fanbase
on Android, and this latest one looks like it won’t disappoint. It’s
another turn-based strategy game where you take your troops into battle
over 60 missions. “Just jump in and start shooting,” advises its Google
Play listing. And thankfully, it really is that accessible.
Up, Down, Left, Right (Free) Up,
Down, Left, Right is probably one of the most frustrating games I’ve
played on a mobile phone – up there with Flappy Bird – but in a way that
means you play it more, not less. It sounds simple: tap the up, down,
left, right keys on a virtual keyboard in time to a beat, switching one
of them every so often in response to falling keys above. If you don’t
throw your smartphone out of the window within 10 minutes, you’ll be
QuizTix: World Football (Free + IAP) QuizTix
is a new brand of “collectable quiz” games for Android and iOS, with
this the third following versions focused on pop music and movies. Here,
you’ll be answering football trivia in a range of categories, taking on
friends or asking them for help with tricky questions.
Fluid SE (£1.19) Fluid
SE is being described as part racing game, part Pac-Man, which does a
good job of describing its charms. There are 40 levels to speed through,
collecting dots and avoiding spectres – yep, Pac-Man – with a
well-worked star system to grade your times and keep you coming back to
improve your score.
CN Superstar Soccer (£1.79) Finally,
one more football game, this one from Cartoon Network. It sees you
playing as characters from shows including Adventure Time, Ben 10 and
Regular Show. Power-shots, online multiplayer and spiffing visuals make
it worth a look for children and parents alike.
Tired of twiddling your thumbs during downloads? Try these remedies for
speeding up a dozy old PC before you almost lose the will to live. Probably the most common reason people ditch their old computer and
buy a new one is not that the old one is broken in any way, but that
it’s simply running slowly. There are plenty of suggestions online, as
well as paid-for products, which claim to fix slowness. Many of these
will make little difference and some may make the problem even worse.
There are a few key things that are well worth trying before giving up
on your trusty PC or Windows laptop (and many of these will work for
Macs too), but before you attempt anything, it’s vital that you back-up
your files.
Viruses and antiviruses
Viruses or malware on
your computer are very likely to slow it down. If they manage to gain
control of your computer before your antivirus kicks in, they can hide
themselves. One answer is to run an offline virus scan from a CD or USB
memory stick independently of Windows – Sophos or Kaspersky are possibilities. There are also free, reliable and lightweight antivirus programs available, such as Avast.
Be aware that duelling antivirus programs can cause extreme slowness.
If you've switched antivirus programs, make sure you uninstall any
earlier programs.
Background and startup programs
cleaned up any viruses and made sure your regular antivirus program is
functioning and up to date, the next thing to look at is whether you
have any unused programs installed or running in the background. You can
do this from within Windows, but it's easier if you download the free
version of CCleaner and run it. Click the Tools tab on the left and select Uninstall.
you use Adobe Reader you can download a lightweight alternative such as
Foxit Reader or SumatraPDF for viewing PDF files and then uninstall the
Adobe offering. The same applies for video players. Media Player
Classic is a lightweight alternative to Windows Media Player.
If you haven't yet, you should experiment using Opera or Chrome,
which are the fastest browsers available, and can perform significantly
better on old hardware.
Programs which start up along with
Windows, as well as browser plug-ins, can really slow down computers.
The Startup button on CCleaner shows these start-up programs. It’s hard
to give specific advice on what you can disable, but learn more about
the things you don't recognise and get rid of what you don't need. And
if you’ve collected any of those pesky browser toolbars which come along
for the ride, you can disable them too.
Hard disks
tired or full hard disk can slow a computer down. In order to keep your
computer running smoothly, you need to leave 10-15% of your hard drive
space free. If you're running out of space, you should consider deleting
unnecessary programs or moving files you no longer need to an external
Modern hard disks can suffer from low performance before
failing completely. Diagnose the health of your hard disk with software
such as SpeedFan, which can give you more information than Windows.
easy and affordable way to increase the speed for some operations in
your computer is to upgrade to a solid state drive (SSD). This can
reduce the loading time of the operating system, as well as the time
required to load and access software and files. Make sure your computer
supports hard drives using a SATA connector and that you use an
operating system optimised for them (anything beyond Windows XP will
Reinstall your operating system – or move to Linux
all else fails then the “nuclear option” of reinstalling Windows and
all your programs and data will usually help. You might also need to
install more memory: 512MB is the minimum for Windows XP, 1GB for Vista,
Windows 7 or later. However, if you’re still running XP then you’re
living dangerously. Think about using Linux, a free and open-source
operating system – there are versions that will run happily even on an
old laptop from the last century.
of all it's good to consider what sort of “flavour” you want. Ubuntu,
Xubuntu Linux, and Linux Mint may appeal to those who are used to
Windows. If you want the lightest and least resource-hungry system to
make your older hardware really fly again, Puppy Linux and Lubuntu are
two very small and effective options. Most Linux distributions are
designed to run directly from a CD or USB stick as a “live
installation”. This enables you to try the operating system out before
you commit to installing it.
Donetsk separatist
leader, Denis Pushilin, said Moscow would be asked to consider absorbing
the region. Photograph: Alexander Zemlianichenko/AP
The "People's Republic of Donetsk" declared itself an
independent country on Monday and, within two hours of doing so, had
asked to join Russia.
The separatist leader Denis Pushilin told journalists that the
self-proclaimed republic would ask Moscow to consider absorbing the
region, which borders Russia.
But it remains extremely doubtful
whether Moscow will carry out a Crimea-style annexation of the region,
which held a controversial referendum on independence on Sunday,
together with neighbouring Luhansk.
According to results announced by the de facto authorities in Donetsk and Luhansk – which also declared independence from Ukraine
on Monday – about 90% on a turnout of 70% and 96% on a turnout of
nearly 75% respectively voted for state sovereignty. The referendums –
which Kiev has dismissed as illegitimate – were hastily organised and
marked by numerous violations.
The results were roundly condemned
in the west, but Russia said it respected the results. However, instead
of previous statements saying it would protect people in the regions
with troops if need be, the Kremlin called for dialogue between the
government in Kiev and the south-east regions of the country.
Moscow, we respect the will of the people of the Donetsk and Luhansk
regions and are counting on practical implementation of the outcome of
the referendum in a civilised manner, without any repeat of violence and
through dialogue," the Kremlin said.
In a press conference in
Moscow, Sergei Lavrov, Russia's foreign minister, read out the Kremlin
statement and added that only Russian television channels were telling
"the truth in real time" about the crisis, whereas western news outlets
were hiding the real causes.
Lavrov made no mention of the
controversy over the referendum, merely noting the "high voting
activity" of the population despite attempts from Kiev to disrupt the
vote. He said no new international talks were planned on Ukraine.
Turchynov, Ukraine's acting president, told the country's parliament:
"The farce which terrorists call the referendum will have no legal
consequences except the criminal responsibility for its organisers."
Kremlin has called the new government in Kiev "neo-fascist" and Kiev
has accused Russia of organising the separatist movement by providing
weapons and tactical advice. Nevertheless, Vladimir Putin, the Russian
president, last week asked the separatists to delay their referendum,
which appeared to be an attempt to distance Russia from the vote, but
was ignored.
There were a number of irregularities with the count
and procedure, and it seems unlikely that the figures announced are an
accurate reflection of views in the region, with most of those who
disagreed with the proposition staying at home.
there has been an increasing mood of defiance, especially as a Ukrainian
army operation against the armed separatists resulted in multiple
casualties. It is hard to judge how many people support the armed
takeover of government buildings and attempts to separate from Ukraine,
but feelings are running high.
The referendum question was worded
ambiguously, appearing to offer state sovereignty for the Donetsk and
Luhansk "people's republics". Roman Lyagin, head of the de facto central
election committee in Donetsk, said before the vote that nothing would
change in terms of state borders as a result of the vote.
He said
that, in future, the region would be free to decide whether to stay
within Ukraine, become independent or join Russia. In the end, it
apparently took only two hours to make the decision, apparently making a
mockery of what voters had been told in the runup.
In Luhansk,
separatists announced that more than 96% of ballots had been cast in
favour of the independence of the region from Ukraine.
on the birth of the Luhansk republic," said Vasily Nikitin, deputy head
of the region's separatist movement. "We are now preparing an appeal to
the UN and international community asking them to recognise us."
said the constitution of the new "country" was almost ready, and added
that its residents would not participate in Ukrainian presidential
elections planned for 25 May. Donetsk's de facto authorities have also
said they will not allow voting in the elections. A key demand of Moscow
has been to postpone the elections.
In Luhansk, one resident,
Anatoliy Sukharev, 80, approached Nikitin and asked whether there would
be a second referendum on joining Russia.
"What is next? When are
we going to have this referendum?" he asked. Nikitin said a second
referendum would happen, but the republic needed to "organise as a
country" first.
But for many Ukraine-oriented residents, recent events have been a tragedy.
father is a businessman, now he is trying to sell all his businesses
here before moving away. Many people I know have already left," said
Olesia, 20, who refused to give her last name fearing retribution.
"I can love Luhansk only if it is a Ukrainian Luhansk," she said.
eastern regions are entering an uncertain situation, with tension and
anger rising on both sides. Ukrainian army and affiliated paramilitary
units killed unarmed civilians in Mariupol last week and in
Krasnoarmeysk during the voting on Sunday. For their part, the rebels in
Donetsk have taken hostages among pro-Ukraine activists and been
accused of torture.
It is unclear whether either side is ready for
talks. With a number of armed gangs in the region, there is every
danger of conflict with Kiev forces and of events slipping into violent
A Kremlin-linked MP, Vyacheslav Nikonov, said the Ukrainian
military operation in eastern Ukraine represented "genuine fascism" and
said that the residents of Luhansk and Donetsk deserved no less
support. "Indeed, they deserve much more support from us, than the
residents of Crimea," he said.
However, he added that Moscow would
have to weigh the "economic, political, and military risks" before
deciding whether it should absorb the regions.
Gazprom, Russia's
state energy company, also told Ukraine it had to settle a $3.5bn (£2bn)
gas debt, and pay in advance for deliveries in June, or be cut off.
Brussels, EU foreign ministers added 13 people and two firms to their
visa ban and asset freeze list over Ukraine, according to two officials
who spoke on condition of anonymity because the measure had yet to be
officially announced. The EU has targeted a number of officials but the
sanctions have been far narrower than US sanctions over Ukraine.