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Tak banyak generasi saat ini yang mengetahui tombol telepon berbentuk
bundar yang dipakai oleh perangkat telepon rumahan jaman dulu. Namun,
seseorang mencoba membangkitkan ingatan lama itu dalam perangkat telepon
yang lebih baru.
Jaromir Sukuba, seorang hacker berkebangsaan Slovakia membuat perangkat ponsel dengan tombol putar, layaknya telepon rumah jadul. Perangkat tersebut diikutsertakan Sukuba dalam sebuah kompetisi membuat hardware.
Sukuba yang berusia 30 tahun tersebut memberikan nama perangkatnya
"Rotary Dial Mobile Phone." Perangkat tersebut merupakan gabungan ponsel
GSM dengan tombol dial putar.
Perangkat yang dibuat Sukuba terlihat sederhana karena masih merupakan prototipe
(purwarupa). Perangkat itu memiliki desain bentuk kotak panjang warna
hitam. Layar Monokrom di bagian atas menampilkan informasi nomor yang
dipilih dengan tombol putar yang berada di bawahnya.
Terdapat tiga tombol di bagian bawah layar itu. Tombol tersebut. Satu
tombol berguna untuk menghidupkan dan mematikan perangkat, satu lagi
untuk menghapus nomor, dan satu sebagai tombol untuk membuat panggilan
dan menutup panggilan telepon.
Sayangnya, menurut Cnet (17/6/2014), perangkat buatan Sukuba tersebut
hanya memiliki fungsi untuk menelpon saja, tidak untuk berkirim pesan
singkat (SMS), apalagi menambah berbagai aplikasi di dalamnya.
Mungkin suatu saat nanti jika ada perusahaan smartphone besar yang
tertarik membuat konsep perangkat seperti ini, kita bisa melihat
wujudnya yang lebih menarik.
Video tentang konsep "Rotary Dial Mobile Phone" bisa dilihat di situs YouTube, atau melalui link berikut ini
Nokia 808 PureView mungkin sudah terbilang lawas. Namun soal kualitas
foto, ponsel 41 megapixel ini ternyata masih lebih unggul dibanding
Galaxy S5, Xperia Z2, dan iPhone 5S sekalipun.
Sebuah percobaan
dilakukan perusahaan yang bergelut di bidang grafis, DxOMark. Mereka
membandingkan kualitas sejumlah kamera ponsel dengan memperhitungkan
beberapa aspek seperti tingkat noise, exposure, keakuratan warna dan
Hampir semua ponsel dengan kamera terbaik
diikutsertakan dalam pertandingan tersebut, termasuk Nokia 808 PureView
yang sudah dirilis sejak dua tahun lalu. Seperti dikutip Android Authority, Kamis (19/6/2014).
808 PureView memang bukan ponsel biasa. Di dalamnya terdapat teknologi
foto PureView yang diklaim dapat menghasilkan gambar dengan baik. Lalu
bagaimana jika dihadapkan dengan Galaxy S5, Xperia Z2 atau bahkan iPhone
DxOMark menyatakan bahwa kualitas foto Nokia 808 PureView
masih juara, lebih baik dari Galaxy S5, Xperia Z2 atau iPhone 5S. Namun
soal kemampuan merekam video, ponsel jadul Nokia tersebut memang harus
mengakui tiga ponsel di atasnya itu.
Pun begitu, secara
keseluruhan Galaxy S5 menduduki peringkat pertama sebagai ponsel dengan
kamera terbaik, sedangkan Xperia Z2 berada di posisi kedua, Nokia
PureView 808 di posisi tiga, dan iPhone 5S di peringkat 4.
1Password (Free + IAP) As
useful apps go, one that creates and stores passwords for the various
sites you use – strong, proper passwords, too – then helps you log in
with a single tap on the screen is a pretty good idea. 1Password is a
long-awaited release for Android, synchronising neatly with PC, Mac and
Sky Sports Football SC Brazil (Free) Just
in time for the big tournament, Sky Sports’ new World Cup app makes it
onto Android. It’s a dedicated app for scores, live text commentary,
tables, photos and other data from Brazil, complete with an option to
set your preferred country as “My Team”.
The Great British Bee Count (Free) The
latest in a growing line of crowdsourcing-for-good apps. In this case,
the good is helping Friends of the Earth and its partners build a map of
how healthy (or not) bees are around the UK. Its app is used to track
the bees you see in your local area, then send that data back to the
Copy Bubble (Free) One
of the joys of Android is the large number of simple, single-purpose
utility apps that tweak Google’s software for specific tasks. In this
case: copying and pasting, as you tap on a floating bubble to clip text
and images.
Corner - Find Football Pubs (Free)While
we’re on the subject of single-purpose apps… Corner is an app for
quickly finding pubs near your current location that are showing
football, released to capitalise on World Cup fever. You can filter by
food and facilities, check on fixtures and invite friends to a match
from within the app.
DinnerTime: Parental Control (Free) Affronted
by surly children texting or playing games at the dinner table rather
than joining the family banter? DinnerTime aims to help, albeit by the
somewhat draconian method of locking a child’s device for a set period
of time. It can also be used for bedtime, revision-time or any other
time you deem necessary.
Spydy Contacts (Free + IAP) Spydy
is apparently a “social launchpad and people organiser” – presumably
for people whose social life remains defiantly land-bound and whose
friends are un-organised. It promises a visual revamp of your contacts
app, puling in Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn, with group messaging
Peugeot Music (Free) The
challenge of “music discovery” – helping people find new songs or
rediscover old favourites in streaming music services – is being talked
about a lot in the music industry. How about help from… Peugeot? Yes,
the carmaker has its own music app, offering a curated selection of
streaming tunes.
TCS SocialSoccer (Free) More
World Cup – well, it is the week for it – with this app offering scores
and stats, but with just as much focus on tweets about prominent teams
and players. It’s also claiming to throw in some “big data analytics” to
keep you posted on Twitter sentiment around the tournament. If it
works, it could be fun.
Talking Progress (Free) Finally,
an app designed for adults suffering from depression. The idea being
that you can record your feelings in a digital diary, helping you track
the condition and discuss the results with your doctor. There’s also a
medicine-reminder alarm built in, if that’s of use.
Angry Birds Epic switches bird-flinging for roleplaying game (RPG) action.
Angry Birds Epic (Free + IAP) The
latest Angry Birds game sees no physics-based flinging. Instead, it’s a
roleplaying game (RPG) that sees you building up a team of birds and
attacking pigs through other means. Along the way, you craft and upgrade
weapons, learn new skills and get to grips with its turn-based battles
VVVVVV (£1.99) Ever
played Super Hexagon? This is the new game from its developer Terry
Cavanagh, and if anything is picking up even more buzz. It’s a platform
game that’s been available since 2010 on other devices, with graphics
reminiscent of the 1980s, and gameplay that grips you quickly then won’t
let you go.
Band Stars (Free + IAP) As
someone who happily wasted many hours on a game called Rock Star Ate My
Hamster as a child, I’ve always thought the music industry makes for
cracking games. Band Stars is the latest attempt to prove the theory
right: a fun social game that gets you hiring and firing members and
racing up the charts.
King of the Course Golf (Free + IAP) EA
knows a thing or two about golf games from its stewardship of the Tiger
Woods franchise. Its new mobile game takes a new direction –
free-to-play – with famous courses, neat touchscreen controls and, ahem,
boosts. Well, there had to be something to justify the in-app
purchases, presumably…
Flick Soccer Brazil (Free + IAP) First
of a smattering of football games in this World Cup month. Flick Soccer
Brazil comes from developer Full Fat: a new game in its very-good Flick
Soccer franchise. You’ll be flicking balls past the goalkeeper or at
the crossbar over several modes, even if the inclusion of “Brazilian
bikini babes” feels a bit unnecessary.
Great Little War Game 2 (£1.99) Developer
Rubicon Development’s little and big war games have a fervent fanbase
on Android, and this latest one looks like it won’t disappoint. It’s
another turn-based strategy game where you take your troops into battle
over 60 missions. “Just jump in and start shooting,” advises its Google
Play listing. And thankfully, it really is that accessible.
Up, Down, Left, Right (Free) Up,
Down, Left, Right is probably one of the most frustrating games I’ve
played on a mobile phone – up there with Flappy Bird – but in a way that
means you play it more, not less. It sounds simple: tap the up, down,
left, right keys on a virtual keyboard in time to a beat, switching one
of them every so often in response to falling keys above. If you don’t
throw your smartphone out of the window within 10 minutes, you’ll be
QuizTix: World Football (Free + IAP) QuizTix
is a new brand of “collectable quiz” games for Android and iOS, with
this the third following versions focused on pop music and movies. Here,
you’ll be answering football trivia in a range of categories, taking on
friends or asking them for help with tricky questions.
Fluid SE (£1.19) Fluid
SE is being described as part racing game, part Pac-Man, which does a
good job of describing its charms. There are 40 levels to speed through,
collecting dots and avoiding spectres – yep, Pac-Man – with a
well-worked star system to grade your times and keep you coming back to
improve your score.
CN Superstar Soccer (£1.79) Finally,
one more football game, this one from Cartoon Network. It sees you
playing as characters from shows including Adventure Time, Ben 10 and
Regular Show. Power-shots, online multiplayer and spiffing visuals make
it worth a look for children and parents alike.
You may need a variety of bits of kit to speed up a reluctant PC or laptop.
Tired of twiddling your thumbs during downloads? Try these remedies for
speeding up a dozy old PC before you almost lose the will to live. Probably the most common reason people ditch their old computer and
buy a new one is not that the old one is broken in any way, but that
it’s simply running slowly. There are plenty of suggestions online, as
well as paid-for products, which claim to fix slowness. Many of these
will make little difference and some may make the problem even worse.
There are a few key things that are well worth trying before giving up
on your trusty PC or Windows laptop (and many of these will work for
Macs too), but before you attempt anything, it’s vital that you back-up
your files.
Viruses and antiviruses
Viruses or malware on
your computer are very likely to slow it down. If they manage to gain
control of your computer before your antivirus kicks in, they can hide
themselves. One answer is to run an offline virus scan from a CD or USB
memory stick independently of Windows – Sophos or Kaspersky are possibilities. There are also free, reliable and lightweight antivirus programs available, such as Avast.
Be aware that duelling antivirus programs can cause extreme slowness.
If you've switched antivirus programs, make sure you uninstall any
earlier programs.
Background and startup programs
cleaned up any viruses and made sure your regular antivirus program is
functioning and up to date, the next thing to look at is whether you
have any unused programs installed or running in the background. You can
do this from within Windows, but it's easier if you download the free
version of CCleaner and run it. Click the Tools tab on the left and select Uninstall.
you use Adobe Reader you can download a lightweight alternative such as
Foxit Reader or SumatraPDF for viewing PDF files and then uninstall the
Adobe offering. The same applies for video players. Media Player
Classic is a lightweight alternative to Windows Media Player.
Resist the urge to hit your computer with a
baseball bat, or to dropkick it through the nearest window.
If you haven't yet, you should experiment using Opera or Chrome,
which are the fastest browsers available, and can perform significantly
better on old hardware.
Programs which start up along with
Windows, as well as browser plug-ins, can really slow down computers.
The Startup button on CCleaner shows these start-up programs. It’s hard
to give specific advice on what you can disable, but learn more about
the things you don't recognise and get rid of what you don't need. And
if you’ve collected any of those pesky browser toolbars which come along
for the ride, you can disable them too.
Hard disks
tired or full hard disk can slow a computer down. In order to keep your
computer running smoothly, you need to leave 10-15% of your hard drive
space free. If you're running out of space, you should consider deleting
unnecessary programs or moving files you no longer need to an external
Modern hard disks can suffer from low performance before
failing completely. Diagnose the health of your hard disk with software
such as SpeedFan, which can give you more information than Windows.
easy and affordable way to increase the speed for some operations in
your computer is to upgrade to a solid state drive (SSD). This can
reduce the loading time of the operating system, as well as the time
required to load and access software and files. Make sure your computer
supports hard drives using a SATA connector and that you use an
operating system optimised for them (anything beyond Windows XP will
Reinstall your operating system – or move to Linux
all else fails then the “nuclear option” of reinstalling Windows and
all your programs and data will usually help. You might also need to
install more memory: 512MB is the minimum for Windows XP, 1GB for Vista,
Windows 7 or later. However, if you’re still running XP then you’re
living dangerously. Think about using Linux, a free and open-source
operating system – there are versions that will run happily even on an
old laptop from the last century.
of all it's good to consider what sort of “flavour” you want. Ubuntu,
Xubuntu Linux, and Linux Mint may appeal to those who are used to
Windows. If you want the lightest and least resource-hungry system to
make your older hardware really fly again, Puppy Linux and Lubuntu are
two very small and effective options. Most Linux distributions are
designed to run directly from a CD or USB stick as a “live
installation”. This enables you to try the operating system out before
you commit to installing it.